Pen & thInk
Have you ever wanted to write a novel, but you don't know where to start?
Are you a fiction writer already, but find yourself getting bogged down, or stuck with writers' block?
Help is on the way.
I've been a serious writer for thirty years, and currently have twelve published novels, a collection of short stories, and a blog that is rapidly approaching three million lifetime hits. If you're struggling with your own writing, I can help you!
I offer five different services. All come with once-weekly teleconferences of up to two hours, unlimited email access for quick questions, and feedback on your writing. My business is to get you back in the groove!
1) Writers' Block Buster:
One-on-one for four weeks, intended for getting you free of those annoying roadblocks we all face from time to time.
2) Roadmap to Better Writing:
One-on-one for eight weeks, intended for more extensive help on your current work-in-progress.
3) Zero-to-Novel:
One-on-one for twelve months, intended to take you from a blank page to a completed manuscript in one year.
4) Coaching for Young Writers:
One-on-one for four weeks, designed to help young writers master character arc, plot arc, and dialogue. This module comes with gentle feedback and guidance for those who are just starting on the road to becoming storytellers.
5) Group Critique Sessions:
This module will focus on getting you feedback both from myself and from other group members. It comes with rolling admission on a four-week basis (i.e. not everyone will be starting at the same time, and members can come and go). I can accommodate up to eight people in the group, but I will run the session with any number - even if there's only one!
For the Group Critique Session, I don't offer the individualized editing that comes with the other modules, and students will be expected either to read their work aloud during the teleconferences or submit short passages (maximum 2,500 words) to group members at least three days in advance to get feedback.
For each of these different services, all genres are welcome, but space is limited! For more information, head over to the "Contact Me" page and I'll answer any questions you might have.